IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems
Information for Authors
Your paper must fall within the scope of TVLSI as outlined in
Scope and Call for Papers. You may also
wish to review
issues of TVLSI to see if other papers
similar in scope to yours have been published.
If you still have questions, you may contact the Editor-in-Chief.
Select a succinct yet unique title for your work that expresses
the essence of the paper and its contribution. Try to restrict
the title to one line of 56 or fewer characters.
Authors and Affiliation:
List all authors and affiliations at the time the work was conducted.
Use complete names rather than just initials. Give email addresses
of the authors.
Write an abstract of about 100 words to summarize your paper and its
unique contribution.
Select between four and eight keywords from the
list provided.
If you cannot locate at least four,
then your paper may not fall within the scope of TVLSI.
Begin your paper with an introduction that provides some basic
definitions, motivation for the work and an overview of the
organization of the paper.
Then partition the presentation into four or five sections
to help the reader understand what you are trying to say.
In the final section, give your conclusions so that the
reader will grasp the significance of the work.
List references in the order in which they are cited in the text.
References should follow the standard IEEE format.
Page Length and Spacing:
All papers should be single-spaced and formatted into two columns
(see note that follows).
A regular paper should be about 8 pages
long, including figures.
This length is about twice that of a conference paper so you should be
able to provide a more detailed description of your work.
Any paper significantly exceeding 8 pages will not be reviewed.
A brief paper should be about 4 pages long, including figures.
Once accepted, photographs and biographies of all the
authors will be published at the end of a regular paper, but
not with a brief paper.
Papers submitted for review need not be in single-spaced
double-column format.
You can use this format to verify that the manuscript does not exceed
the page limit.
A double-spaced format allows the reviewer more room for annotation.
Page Style and Format:
Each paper must adhere to the specifications given below.
Postscript Example
LATEX style file
Example LATEX source file.
Additional IEEE Information for Authors
A. Total Paper Width x Height: 216 mm x 280 mm (8.5 inch x 11 inch)
B. Top Margin: 25 mm (1 inch)
C. Left Margin: 19 mm (.75 inch)
D. Image Width x Height: 175 mm x 226 mm (6.9 inch x 8.9 inch)
E. Single Spaced, Two Column
F. Column Width: 83 mm (3.3 inch)
G. Column Separation: 8 mm (0.3 inch)
H. Type Size: No type less than 9 point anywhere in the document
I. Title: Boldface, uppercase letters centered across the entire page
J. Author names: centered across the entire page
K. Author mailing and email addresses: centered across the entire page
L. Abstract: 100-150 words in left column only, 12 mm (.5 inch) below the title
M. First section spacing: 12 mm (.5 inch) below abstract
N. Section headings: centered across one column and in
boldface uppercase letters
O. Subheadings: begin at the left margin.
P. Sub-Subheadings: indented like a paragraph.
Q. Figures: centered across the entire page or one column;
placed at end or embedded
R. References: numbered sequentially as cited in the text (e.g. [1])
S. Example citation:
[1] Author, First, Author, Second and Last Author, "The Paper Title,"
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. 1,
pp. 1001-1004, 1996.
Postscript Generation:
Electronic submission of a postscript file of the entire paper including
figures is greatly preferred since it will speed the review process.
To generate the postscript file, first be sure that you have a postscript
driver installed and selected. Also, be sure that you include in the file
itself all fonts necessary for printing. Select "Letter" size paper.
Do not select "manual feed."
Submit the resulting file using binary FTP as described later.
If necessary to send via email, compress and uuencode the file.
Electronic Source File:
Once your paper is accepted, you will be asked to submit the source file
electronically. This will reduce significantly the likelihood of
errors being generated in the typesetting process and help hold down
the costs of publication.
Paper Hardcopies:
We no longer accept paper hardcopies for review. If this is a problem
for you, please contact the Editor-in-Chief at the address below.
IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems
c/o Prof. Wayne Wolf
Electrical Engineering
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544
TEL: (609)-258-1424
FAX: (609)-258-3745
Copyright Form:
All clearances for publication must be obtained by the author(s) and the
IEEE Copyright form
with original signature(s) submitted.
You need not submit this form until your paper has been accepted.
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